Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Johannesburg, South Africa, Harare, Zimbabwe, Vienna, Austria, Toronto, Canada, Tokyo, Japan – June 23, 2015 – The Board of African Compass International Limited (“ACI” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that after yet another challenging quarter with the precipitous fall in the global commodities markets, its Canada Team is returning to the four-day 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2015), being held at Dena’ina Convention Center in Anchorage, Alaska, U.S. running from 21st – 25th June 2015.
Transducers is the world’s premiere conference in MEMS sensors, actuators and integrated micro and nano systems showcasing major technological, scientific and commercial breakthroughs in mechanical, optical, chemical and biological devices and systems using micro and nanotechnology. For more information about the event, please visit www.transducers2015.org.
About ACI
African Compass International (“ACI”) is a global diversified private natural resources company in frontier, emerging/established emerging and developed markets. The Group farms, explores, sources, refines and produces, inter alia, agriculture products, base metals, ferrous & non-ferrous metals, minor metals, platinum group metals, precious metals, oil & gas and commercial energy. Our diversified operations in Africa, Americas and Eurasia are supported by offices in Austria, Canada, Japan and Zimbabwe. ACI always seeks partnerships with all its stakeholders that will add value to projects at hand based on the core values of honesty, integrity and vision.
For further information please Contact Us.
Supporting Resources: please visit www.africancompassinternational.com; follow @Afrikancompass on Twitter, or join ACI on LinkedIn.
For and on behalf of the Company’s Board of Directors
Julian RUPARE, Jr.
CEO & Chair
The following are the main terms and abbreviations used in this webnews:
ACI African Compass International Limited and/or its subsidiaries, as appropriate
Board Board of Directors
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CG Chief Geologist
CLO Chief Legal Officer
Company African Compass International or African Compass International Limited
COO Chief Operating Officer
MEMS Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems
US United States of America
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African Compass International
Johannesburg | Harare | Vienna | Toronto | Tokyo
Directors J Rupare Jr (CEO) C N Rupare (COO) U Mazunga (CLO) V M S Correia (CG)