Language DISCLAIMER: You have clicked through to this Notice from an eMail sent by us.
Tento e-mail, a jakékoliv z jeho příloh, mohou obsahovat důvěrné informace. Pokud nejste předpokládaným příjemcem, oznamte to osobě z ACI, která vám tento e-mail poslala, a okamžitě tuto zprávu vymažte i se všemi jejími případnými přílohami. Obsah e-mailu ani jeho příloh nekopírujte a dále nikomu neposkytujte. Děkujeme.
Denne e-mail og eventuelle vedhæftede filer kan indeholde fortrolige oplysninger. Hvis du ikke er den rette modtager af denne e-mail, beder vi dig venligst kontakte afsenderen hos ACI og øjeblikkeligt slette meddelelsen og eventuelle vedhæftede filer uden at kopiere eller offentliggøre dem. Tak.
Deze e-mail en bijlage(n) kunnen vertrouwelijke informatie bevatten. Als u niet de bedoelde geadresseerde bent, verzoeken wij u om de afzender van dit bericht bij ACI op de hoogte te stellen en het bericht en de bijlagen onmiddellijk te wissen zonder ze te kopiëren of te openen. Dank u.
English This e-mail and any attachment(s) may contain confidential information. If you were not the intended recipient, please notify the ACI person who sent you this e-mail and immediately delete the message and any attachments without copying them or disclosing them. Thank you.
Tämä viesti ja sen mahdolliset liitteet saattavat sisältää luottamuksellista tietoa. Jos et ole viestin aiottu vastaanottaja, ilmoita asiasta sille ACIn edustajalle, joka tämän viestin lähetti, ja poista viesti ja sen mahdolliset liitteet kopioimatta niitä ja kertomatta niistä kenellekään. Kiitos.
Ce message électronique (et, le cas échéant, les pièces jointes) peut contenir des informations confidentielles. Si vous n’êtes pas le destinataire prévu, ayez l’obligeance de le signaler à la personne de ACI qui vous l’a envoyé et détruisez-le immédiatement sans en conserver de copie et sans le divulguer. Nous vous en remercions par avance.
Dieses E-Mail und die Anlage(n) können vertrauliche Informationen beinhalten. Falls es nicht für Sie bestimmt war, teilen Sie dies bitte demjenigen bei ACI mit, der Ihnen diese E-Mail geschickt hat, und löschen Sie die Nachricht und alle Anlagen unverzüglich, ohne sie zu kopieren oder weiterzugeben. Danke sehr.
Ez az e-mail és annak melléklete(i) bizalmas információkat tartalmazhatnak. Amennyiben nem Ön ennek a levélnek a kívánt címzettje, kérjük tájékoztassa a ACI azon munkatársát, akitől e levelet kapta és haladéktalanul törölje ezt az üzenetet mellékleteivel együtt, azok lemásolása vagy nyilvánosságra hozatala nélkül. Együttműködését köszönjük.
Questa e-mail e qualunque documento ad essa eventualmente allegato possono contenere informazioni riservate. Qualora non fosse il destinatario di questo messaggio, la preghiamo di notificarlo alla persona incaricata di ACI che glielo ha inviato e di cancellarlo immediatamente insieme agli allegati senza copiarli o divulgarli. La ringraziamo per la collaborazione.
Denne e-posten og eventuelle vedlegg kan inneholde konfidensiell informasjon. Hvis du ikke er den tiltenkte mottakeren, bes du vennligst om å gi beskjed til personen i ACI som sendte deg denne e-posten. Slett deretter meldingen og eventuelle vedlegg uten å kopiere eller formidle dem. Takk.
Zarówno ten e-mail jak i załączone do niego pliki mogą zawierać informacje poufne. Jeśli otrzymali Państwo tą wiadomość przez przypadek, prosimy poinformować o tym pracownika ACI, który ją wysłał, a także niezwłocznie usunąć zarówno wiadomość jak i załączniki, bez ich kopiowania bądź ujawniania komukolwiek ich zawartości. Dziękujemy.
Este e-mail e qualquer anexo podem conter informações confidenciais. Se você não for o destinatário pretendido, avise o remetente da ACI que lhe enviou este e-mail e exclua imediatamente a mensagem e quaisquer anexos, sem copiá-los ou revelá-los. Obrigado.
Данное письмо и файл(-ы) во вложении могут содержать конфиденциальную информацию. Если письмо предназначалось не Вам, сообщите об этом контактному лицу из ACI, от которого это письмо поступило. Незамедлительно удалите письмо и все вложения, не копируя и не раскрывая содержащуюся в них информацию. Спасибо!
La información contenida en este mensaje y/o en los documentos adjuntos es de carácter confidencial. Si usted no es el destinatario, por favor notifíquelo a la persona de ACI que se lo envió y bórrelo inmediatamente junto con todos los adjuntos sin copiarlos o divulgarlos. Muchas gracias.
Detta meddelande och eventuella bilagor kan innehålla konfidentiell information. Om du inte är den avsedda mottagaren, vänligen meddela den person på ACI som skickade meddelandet till dig och radera omedelbart meddelandet och eventuella bilagor utan att kopiera eller avslöja dem. Tack.
อีเมลฉบับนี้และสิ่งที่แนบอาจมีขอ้ มูลที่เป็นความลับ หากคุณไดรั้บอีเมลนี้เนื่องจากความผิดพลาด โปรดแจง้ ใหบุ้คลากรของ ACI ผูที้่ส่งเอีมลฉบับนี้ใหคุ้ณทราบ และลบขอ้ ความและสิ่งที่แนบทันทีโดยไม่ทำสำเนาหรือเปิดเผยใหผู้อื้่นทราบ ขอบพระคุณ
Bu e-posta ve ekleri gizli bilgiler içerebilir. Bu e-postanın muhatabı siz değilseniz, lütfen ACI’dan size bu e-postayı gönderen kişiye durumu bildirin ve mesaj ile eklerini kopyalamadan ve hiç kimseyle paylaşmadan silin. Teşekkür ederiz.


1. Risk of interception, viruses and defects

Electronic communications may contain computer viruses or other defects, may not be accurately replicated on other systems or may be intercepted, deleted or interfered with without the knowledge of the sender or the intended recipient. ACI makes no warranty in relation to these matters. As a result, it may be that you are not comfortable with the risks associated with e-mail messages and other forms of electronic communication. If that is the case, please get in touch with ACI and we will be pleased to arrange another means of communication with ACI.

2. Prohibition on publication and alteration of information

Unless you have the express written consent of ACI, you are not permitted to publish, transmit, or otherwise reproduce any information received from ACI, in whole or in part, in any format to any third party. In addition, you are not permitted to alter, obscure, or remove any copyright, trademark or any other notices that are provided to you in connection with the information. ACI reserves the right, at any time and from time to time, in the interests of its discretion and business judgement to add to, modify, or remove any of the information delivered to you.

3. ACI’s rights in respect of information

Unless there is express written agreement with ACI to the contrary, no information sent to you is intended to, and will not, transfer or grant any rights in or to that information and all rights not expressly so granted herein are reserved by ACI or, if applicable, the third party providers from whom ACI has obtained the information.

4. No warranties made as to content; responsibilities to update

Neither ACI nor its third party providers make any warranty, express or implied, concerning electronic communication. ACI expressly disclaims any implied warranty of satisfactory quality or fitness for a particular purpose, including any warranty as to the use or the results of the use of information with respect to its correctness, quality, accuracy, completeness, reliability, performance, timeliness, or continued availability.

5. Content not to be construed as a solicitation or recommendation

Unless it expressly agreed between the parties to the contrary, material provided electronically is for information purposes only without regard to the particular recipient’s business objectives, financial situation, or means. ACI is not soliciting any action based upon it.

6. No representations made as to other sites or links

Our electronic communications may provide links to certain Internet sites (“Sites”) maintained by third parties. In this case, ACI is providing such links solely as a convenience to you. Accordingly, ACI makes no representations concerning the content of the Sites. The fact that ACI has provided a link to the Sites does not constitute an endorsement, authorisation, sponsorship, or affiliation by ACI with respect to the Sites, their owners, or their providers.

7. Changes to our policy

This policy provides a general overview of important information on electronic communication. Please be aware that we may request certain further confidentiality arrangements be put in place in respect of your interaction with us, especially when we believe there is a risk such information could be material price sensitive information. This policy may be changed from time to time to reflect changes in our practices. The revised policy will be effective immediately upon posting to our Web Site.

This version of the Policy is effective January 1, 2022.

Contact Us

African Compass International.

Attn: Chief Legal Officer.